Tuesday, November 2, 2010

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 2

Today's gratitude prompt was

Since I already wrote a bit about that yesterday, deciding to take it in my own direction. Today, and everyday, I am grateful for art. I am grateful that my toddler , Marlee, can say "colorrrrr" and find crayons and that my preschool-age daughter, Lucy, can say "Mom, let's go stamp!" As they say at CRESENDOh, art saves. Art saved me, and I hope one day, when my kids feel sad, or like they need an outlet, art will save them too.

I am grateful that I regained my passion, that I am committed to growing and nurturing my talents, and taking leaps I have been afraid to for so long.

I won't allow self-doubt to plague my efforts any longer. I will be what I want to be, and move forward in the direction I want to go. There's a lovely quote from Melody Ross I'll leave at the end of this post because it pretty much describes everything I have realized the past 6 months. She says it more beautifully than I ever could:

Dear Beautiful Girl,

That thing that's been lingering on your mind, burning in your heart.....that scary beautiful thing that you can't get out of your whole soul because it wants to be heard and acted upon........guess what lovely? It's not going to go away.

It's not going to go away because it's the deepest wisdom and authenticity of you trying to get you on exactly the right track. It is your truth.

What would a leap of faith look like? What is it that is holding you back? Would it be so bad just to take that first step? Would it be so bad to stop and really honor yourself and at least listen to that longing?

This is where your choices will make every difference in the world. This is where the fork in the road just might lead to the place you've been praying to be.

Get quiet, dear friend.......listen closely....then be brave when you know exactly what to do next but can't quite get the courage to do it. Be brave and go for it, then do it again. Live THAT ONE PRECIOUS LIFE OF YOURS....really really live it.

It is time.

Monday, November 1, 2010

30 Days of Gratitude - Day 1

She's doing it. He's doing it. We're all doing it. AT THE SAME TIME.

What in the world am I talking about? 30 days of Gratitude.
THAT'S what.
Ahh...ok. So, again, what am I talking about?

THIS website. It's gonna prompt you (and me) for 30 days to write about a topic you are grateful for. Today's topic is why you're grateful for

Somehow, on the evening before some pretty important elections, I feel very, very sure of why I'm grateful for where I live....

I don't "do" politics. If you ask me in person what my feelings are on a certain topic, I might tell you. I might not want to discuss it. I don't care to win arguments or debate with people who are very stubborn in their viewpoints. Not worth my energy. I let them believe what they believe in, and in turn I hope they'll allow me to believe what I want to believe in. RESPECT. After all, isn't that what makes the world spin 'round and 'round? The flurry of ideas, opinions and beliefs? I would be so bored if every person I spoke to agreed with every point I made. To quote my teenage sister - "SRSLY". (Nope, kids don't type out words anymore, that's a post for a different day, though.)

Ok, so I'm getting to the point. I promise.

I am so grateful to live in a country where I can say "THIS is what I believe" and for the most part, it's ok. Not everyone will agree with me, and it may put me at a disadvantage in some situations but I am a FREE THINKER. And because of this amazing country I was born in, I am FREE to cast my vote tomorrow based on what my thoughts and beliefs are for the future of this country. I hope you'll do the same. If you're not registered to vote, you can find your polling place here and vote tomorrow. You don't have to live and breathe politics to take advantage of an amazing privilege that living in the United States provides you. Just cast your vote based on who YOU believe will lead our country in the direction you want to see it move forward in. It matters. A lot.